Main Page

Hello on my website!
This is just the place where i gather information that i would have lying around on my computer otherwise.
The topics here are all the things that interest me or have interested me, lots of it are just lists but sometimes i also feel like writing full-text pages.
The most important pages which i have put the most work on are the Embryo concert list and the German Rock on TV list.
Many things are incomplete and partly only understandable by myself, but I'll try to make this site a bit usable for visitors.
Please also keep in mind that I am not a native english speaker, which is why the grammar and spelling is sometimes not perfect.
- Aera
- Armadillo Texas
- Brainstorm/Fashion Pink
- Brummkreisel
- Can
- Checkpoint Charlie
- Embryo
- Exil
- Ginga Rale Band
- Jack Bone Group
- Kraan
- Missus Beastly
- Munju
- Moira
- Real Ax Band
- Tenderness
- Ton Steine Scherben
Other Things: